Utility Buildings

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Utility Buildings contain specialty blocks and inventories (shown above) that help your Distribution Complex advance through the Technology Level by developing it logistic mega-complex. The Utility Buildings bestow certain benefits on the neighboring structures, as seen in the Scoring section of the 2021 Best Robotics 3D Printing Challenge. The first of the Utility Buildings you should build is the Storeroom with at least one and ideally multiple Community Chests. These will be how you can collect the payments recieved by your delivery bots.

Utility Buildings

Every Technology Level you reach will unlock an additional Utility Buildings with specific items that need to be equiped for it to function, and a Key Item (e.g. Generator for the Electrical Closet or the Machining Mill for the Tooling Station) that determines how close it is to each charging station to calculate distribution scores.

Pro Tips:

1.) Utility buildings can start to be constructed with the construction material at the Technology Level at which they are unlocked, and can later be re-built as an higher Technology Level structure.

2.) Any structure you build that contains the special block for Utility Buildings will default to a Utility Building, e.g. if you build a warehouse and put a Generator in it, that structure will no longer count as a warehouse. It will count as an Electrical Closet and any Charging Stations inside will not contribute to your Distribution Center's Robot Population. If you have multiple special blocks, the type of Utility Building is based on the first special block found following a pathing algorithm starting at the door and exploring the interior space.

3.) There is no minimum or maximum size limit for Utility Buildings as long as you have a.) the special block, b.) a valid framed door, c.) the interior block adjacent to the door covered with a roof and d.) the outside block adjacent to the door exposed to the sky.

4.) Remember to check the Bonus Points page for extra ways to improve your final score.

5.) Each Warehousing structure receives a Efficiency score based on the two nearest Utility Buildings of each type.

Tech Level to Unlock Utility Building Key Item Block Required Items to Function
1 Central Receiving Supply Chest 1 Supply Chest. Central Receiving can have up to 1 Supply Chest per Tech Level of its primary construction material (e.g. a Polexiglas Central Receiving can have 4 Supply Chests). This allows for more goods to be distributed and routed by your delivery bots as your Distribution Complex grows. Build this first in your Distribution Center Plot!
1 Electrical Closet Generator 1 Generator.
2 Tooling Station Machining Mill 1 Machining Mill
3 Quality Control Room Chemical Processor 1 Chemical Processor.
4 Data Warehouse Supercomputer 4 Supercomputer.
5 Accounting Office Bookshelf 10 Bookshelves
6 Automation Hub Enchanting Table 3 Enchanting Tables
7 Just-in-time Manufacturing Augmentation Hub Bioreactor 1 Bioreactor
8 Central Logistics Hub Painting 25 Paintings

Useful Internal Links

Polycraft World Main Page | 3D Printing Challenge | Refugee Crisis Challenge Home | Global Logistics Challenge | Island Logistics Nexus | Distribution Complex | Distribution Plot | Robots | Warehousing | Utility Buildings | Efficiency | Robot Population Capacity | 3D Printer | 3D Scanner | Phase I Scoring | Phase II Scoring | Score Through the Aegis | Charging Stations | Technology Level (GLC)