Delivery bot efficiency will be determined by the Technology Level of the warehouse they are working on. Each of your [[Polycraft World Delivery Bots|delivery robots] will have an 'Efficiency' level that can range from 0%-200%. Up to 100% of Efficiency can come from how distinct they are from their warehouse (Ambience Score). Up to 100% of Efficiency can come from how close they are from a utility building (Utility Score). Take care of your Robots, and they will take care of you.
Efficiency Score
Efficiency represents the sophistication of each and every robot that you accommodate on your Distribution Complex. In order to recruit more bots, you must increase the Robot Population Capacity of your Distribution Complex, but your end score will be largely determined by the Efficiency of each Robot. In general, warehouses with a lot of windows, Wi-Fi hot-spots, and signage that is well-lit and close to a utility building is going to produce a better Efficiency Score. Specific details on how Efficiency Score is calculated are below.
Efficiency Score (0%-200%) = Ambience Score (0%-100%) + Utility Score (0%-100%).
The Efficiency scores for all robot in each Technology Level are summed up to yield your Score Through the Aegis. The winner of the 2023 BEST Robotics - Global Logistics Challenge will have the best total Score Through the Aegis. Your score in each Technology Level will be determined by the number of warehouses and number of robots of that Technology Level. While there is a need to "tech up" to get to higher Technology Levels, there is nothing preventing a team from improving their previous Technology Levels score, i.e. you can build more Polycraft Dirt Warehouses after you had already "teched up" to Technology Level 4 where you can build with Stainless Steel.
Ambience Score
Score Range = 0%-100%.
Ways to improve the Score: Make sure the inside and the front of the warehouse door are well-lit. Add more windows, Wi-Fi hot-spots (inside or outside), and signage to the warehouse.
Pro Tip 1: The Wi-Fi hot-spots are masked as flower pots and Cacti and other succulents count as flowering plants.
Pro Tip 2: In lieu of clay, Flower Pots can be crafted from Flower Pot Sections. These are injection molded from Natural Rubber using a mold made in a Machining Mill.
Item | Score Range | # Needed for Maximum Score |
Signage | 0% - 40% | 1 signage per Tech Level of the warehouse (e.g., a Polexiglas warehouse would need 4 signs for a max score) |
Wi-Fi hot-spots | 0% - 40% | 1 Wi-Fi hot-spots for every 10 blocks of structure footprint (floor + outer walls except for corners) (e.g., a 5x9 Polexiglas warehouse would need 5 Wi-Fi hot-spots for a max score). Wi-Fi hot-spots are masked as flower pots. |
Windows | 0% - 40% | 1 window for every 3 blocks of structure footprint (floor + outer walls except for corners) (e.g., a 5x9 Polexiglas warehouse would need 15 windows for a max score) |
Lighting | -50% Modifier | If the internal lowest light value is too dark, or the doorway is not well lit at night time, lose 50% of the above ambience scores. |
Maximum Ambience Score | Max = 100% | If all of the above scores are perfect, the score will still max-out at 100%, not 120%. |
Utility Score
Score Range = 0%-100%.
Ways to improve the Score: Be close to Generators, but not too, too close, cause that buzzing can reduce Efficiency... Be close to other utility buildings. The distance is calculated for each Charging Station and the nearest Key Item block inside a Utility Buildings (e.g., Generator). Robots also like to have options, sometimes the Machining Mill is occupied and you need a backup. Sometimes you want to back up data in the same place every night, and sometimes you want some physical redundancy.
Your Robots like to have options!: For each type of Utility Buildings, 67% of its benefit comes from how close are the Charging Station of warehouses, and 33% comes from how close the Charging Station are to the 2nd nearest Utility Buildings.
Tech Level | Utility Building | Key Item Block | Optimal Distance from charging station to Closest Key Item for Maximum Points |
1 | Central Receiving | Supply Chest block | Central Receiving has no impact on Efficiency. You can put it anywhere on the Distribution Complex you want without penalty. |
1 | Electrical Closet | Generator block | Greater than 5 blocks away and less than 15. The farther outside of this optimum range, the worse the score. Really close might shock your score (in the wrong direction). |
2 | Tooling Station | Machining Mill block | Anywhere within 15 blocks is worth full points. Any farther than 35 blocks is worth 0 points. |
3 | Quality Control Room | Chemical Processor block | Anywhere within 15 blocks is worth full points. Any farther than 35 blocks is worth 0 points. |
4 | Data Warehouse | Supercomputer block | Anywhere within 7 blocks is worth full points. Any farther than 25 blocks is worth 0 points. |
5 | Accounting Office | Bookcase block | Anywhere within 15 blocks is worth full points. Any farther than 35 blocks is worth 0 points. |
6 | Automation Hub | Enchanting Table block | Anywhere within 15 blocks is worth full points. Any farther than 35 blocks is worth 0 points. |
7 | Just-in-Time Manufacturing Augmentation Hub | Bioreactor block | Anywhere within 15 blocks is worth full points. Any farther than 35 blocks is worth 0 points. |
8 | Central Logistics Hub | Painting block | Anywhere within 15 blocks is worth full points. Any farther than 35 blocks is worth 0 points. |
Maximum Utility Score | Score is accumulated from all buildings | 0%-100% range | 50% of the Utility Score of a warehouse comes from the Utility Buildings of the same Technology Level. The remaining 50% comes from all previous Tech Levels. |
Useful Internal Links
Polycraft World Main Page | 3D Printing Challenge | Refugee Crisis Challenge Home | Global Logistics Challenge | Island Logistics Nexus | Distribution Complex | Distribution Plot | Robots | Warehousing | Utility Buildings | Efficiency | Robot Population Capacity | 3D Printer | 3D Scanner | Phase I Scoring | Phase II Scoring | Score Through the Aegis | Charging Stations | Technology Level (GLC)