Global Logistics Challenge Scoring
Team Scoring
Teams Scores will be based on their total 2023 BEST Island Manufacturing Nexus Score which is made up Bonus Points and your Score Through the Aegis, a cumulative metric that tracks your progress increasing the Robot Population Capacity at each Technology Level, and maximizing the Efficiency in each Age by improving your Ambience and your Utility Score. There will be 4 Technology Levels in Phase 1 and 4 additional Technology Levels in the Championship Phase, but in reality any team that can make it at least to Level 5 is likely of Champion quality.
Phase 1 Manufacturing Complex Scoring + Phase 2 Manufacturing Complex Scoring = Score Through the Aegis (in game dynamic scoring)
Score Through the Aegis + Phase 1 Bonus Points + Phase 2 Bonus Points = 2023 BEST Island Manufacturing Nexus Score
Leadership Dashboard: You can monitor your score and time remaining here!
Phase 1 - 2023 BEST Robotics Global Logistics Challenge
Date Range: March 15 - April 30, 2023. Time Limit: Your Team's Score will only be counted during late March and early April of cumulative Team gameplay. After this time, your Team can continue playing but your Phase 1 Score can no longer increase. Your Score Through the Aegis will be available on your Distribution Plot in game and on our Analytics Website.
Phase 2 - 2023 BEST Robotics Global Logistics Challenge
Date Range: We expect the first teams to reach Phase II by early April. Time Limit: Your Team's Score will continue to accrue until the end of Phase II. After this, your Team can continue playing but your Phase 2 Score can no longer increase.
Global Logistics Challenge Scoring Phase 1
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