List of Tools

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Once chemistry-savvy Polycrafters have figured out how to make PEEK or Carbon Fiber Composites, and how to manufacture extraordinary tools. To make elite tools, you must make a mold for a tool shaft and then injection mold bags of PolyEther Ether Ketone Pellets or vials of epoxy-carbon fiber resin into handles for your new tools. These handles can be used in lieu of sticks with Polycraft alloys (steel, stainless steel, brass, bronze, tungsten carbide, nichrome, or antimony-lead), iron or diamond in the usual tool recipes.

Tool Properties

Release Version Hoe ID Sword ID Spade ID Pickaxe ID Axe ID Crafting Item Shaft Crafting Item Head Tool Adjective Harvest Level Max Uses Efficiency Dmg vs. Entity Enchantability
1.1.0 1M 16x 17b 17P 18t Tool Shaft (Carbon Fiber Composite) Steel Ingot Composite Steel 2 1600 7 2 10
1.1.0 1N 16y 17c 17Q 18u Tool Shaft (Carbon Fiber Composite) Stainless Steel Ingot Composite Stainless Steel 2 1800 8 2 10
1.1.0 1O 16z 17d 17R 18v Tool Shaft (Carbon Fiber Composite) Brass Ingot Composite Brass 2 900 5 2 30
1.1.0 1P 16A 17e 17S 18w Tool Shaft (Carbon Fiber Composite) Bronze Ingot Composite Bronze 2 900 5 2 30
1.1.0 1Q 16B 17f 17T 18x Tool Shaft (Carbon Fiber Composite) Tungsten Carbide Ingot Composite Tungsten Carbide 3 2200 12 4 10
1.1.0 1R 16C 17g 17U 18y Tool Shaft (Carbon Fiber Composite) Nichrome Ingot Composite Nichrome 2 700 5 2 20
1.1.0 1S 16D 17h 17V 18z Tool Shaft (Carbon Fiber Composite) Antimony-Lead Ingot Composite Antimony-Lead 3 2200 10 3 10
1.1.0 1T 16E 17i 17W 18A Tool Shaft (PEEK) Steel Ingot Engineered Steel 2 1800 5 2 10
1.1.0 1U 16F 17j 17X 18B Tool Shaft (PEEK) Stainless Steel Ingot Engineered Stainless Steel 2 2000 6 2 10
1.1.0 1V 16G 17k 17Y 18C Tool Shaft (PEEK) Brass Ingot Engineered Brass 2 1200 3 2 30
1.1.0 1W 16H 17l 17Z 18D Tool Shaft (PEEK) Bronze Ingot Engineered Bronze 2 1200 3 2 30
1.1.0 1X 16I 17m 180 18E Tool Shaft (PEEK) Tungsten Carbide Ingot Engineered Tungsten Carbide 3 2500 10 4 10
1.1.0 22 16J 17n 181 18F Tool Shaft (PEEK) Nichrome Ingot Engineered Nichrome 2 1000 3 2 20
1.1.0 23 16K 17o 182 18G Tool Shaft (PEEK) Antimony-Lead Ingot Engineered Antimony-Lead 3 2500 8 3 10
1.1.0 24 16L 17p 183 18H Tool Shaft (Carbon Fiber Composite) Iron Ingot Composite Iron 2 1050 8 3 10
1.1.0 25 16M 17q 184 18I Tool Shaft (PEEK) Iron Ingot Engineered Iron 2 1250 7 3 10
1.1.0 26 16N 17r 185 18J Tool Shaft (Carbon Fiber Composite) Diamond Composite Diamond 3 2200 12 4 10
1.1.0 27 16O 17s 186 18K Tool Shaft (PEEK) Diamond Engineered Diamond 3 2500 10 4 10