Flame Tosser

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Flame Tossers are ranged, propane-powered incendiary devices capable of projecting a long, controllable stream of fire.

They are highly effective at physically removing unwanted structures, mobs, or even other players.

This is the lowest tier flamethrower available to the player. The other tiers are as follows:
- Flame Chucker
- Flame Hurler
- Flame Thrower

Though the flame tosser is made with the lowest-tier polymers, the requirement of a kevlar vest in its creation limits the availability of these incendiary devices to higher-level Polycrafters.



Outputs Components Recipe
Regulator (Low Pressure)
Cartridge (Propane)
Cartridge (Propane)
Hose (Low Pressure)
Kevlar Vest
Flame Tosser

Flame Tosser
Cartridge (Propane)
Cartridge (Propane)
Flame Tosser

Gasket (Low Pressure)
Hose (Low Pressure)
Gasket (Low Pressure)
Gasket (Low Pressure)
Hose (Low Pressure)
Gasket (Low Pressure)
Regulator (Low Pressure)

Vial (Light Naphtha)
Lighter Body (LDPE)
Flint and Steel



The Flame Tosser's usage is rather simple - aim at the intended target, then right clicking. The Flame Tosser will do 1 damage per hit, then continue to burn for 5 seconds, doing 6 damage total. To conserve fuel, it is recommended that the operator 'burst' the flame tosser, and allow the target to burn before setting it alight again. Once the flame-tosser is empty, you will be required to 'reload' it at a crafting table, by placing 2 propane cartridges besides the flame tosser.

The Flame Tosser has infinite durability.


Name Value
"FuelUnitsFull 1,000
FuelUnitsBurnPerTick 1
Range 6
Spread 2
FireDurationSeconds 5
InitialDamage" 1
Release Version 1.0.0


The flame tosser, despite requiring a kevlar vest in it's creation, can be used simultaneously with a jetpack. The resulting combination is ridiculously combat-effective.

The flame tosser will set flammable structures on fire.

Although the flame tosser is the lowest level of flamethrower in Polycraft, it's usage of a kevlar vest limits its production to higher-level Polycrafters. If a Polycrafter is already at the level of kevlar production, it is more efficient to create a flame hurler instead.


Flame thrower.png
