Capture the Base

From PolyCraft World
Revision as of 13:05, 9 November 2018 by Drz170000 (talk | contribs)
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General Information

List of minigames

When you enter the Minigame world, you'll be in the Trellis at UTD, a scale model of our university! To enter into the queue for a minigame, you can press the "X" key. Currently there is no way to unmap/remap this key ingame. From here, you can navigate these menus with your mouse to choose which minigame you want to participate in. You can also see which events have people in the queue, to figure out which minigame is going to have the shortest queue time.

A minigame with one person in queue

Once you have entered the queue, you're automatically assigned a team. When there are enough players in the queue, the minigame will start and you'll automatically be teleported to a waiting area. During this time, you can consider strategies and discuss with the players in event.

After a brief waiting period, the game will start. You'll be teleport-ed down into the playing field. A scoreboard will appear on your screen, which updates as each team gains points. Your teammates will have helmets with your color on, to help you identify them.

Example of a scoreboard

In order to win these events, you'll need to control as many bases as possible. Points are awarded for capturing and controlling bases, as well as un-capturing enemy bases and returning them to neutral. Supplied to you is a stick that can knock back enemies. In the future, other weaponry will be implemented to allow you and your team to overcome your opponents and their strategies, such as knock back bombs or freeze rays.

The game consists of two halves, each one lasts 5 minutes. After the first half, you'll be frozen in place with an opportunity to re-evaluate your strategies for a duration of 2 minutes. After this is over, the game will continue, beginning the second half. After the second half, the team with the highest score wins.

You'll be automatically teleported back to UTD after the game ends and told which team won. Thanks for participating!

Unique items

Pogo sticks:

  • Provides a faster way of traversing the map to and from objectives
  • Decreases your likelihood of being attacked while jumping, due to being hard to hit

Knockback bomb:

  • Can be thrown like a splash potion
  • Knocks enemies (and yourself) back
  • Can be used to keep enemies off the objective, allowing you and your team that clutch moment to finish capturing an objective

Freeze ray:

  • Can be used to slow down and freeze your enemies momentarily
  • Short range to keep enemies off an objective

Freeze bombs:

  • Can be thrown like a splash potion
  • Freezes everything in a radius
