Difference between revisions of "Powder Keg (Styrene-Butadiene Rubber Pellets)"

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| verifiedrevid = 427489415
| Name = Styrene-butadiene
| ImageFile = SBRwithexplicitC.png
| ImageSize = 320
| IUPACName =
| SystematicName =
| OtherNames =
|Section1={{Chembox Identifiers
| Abbreviations =
| CASNo_Ref = {{cascite|correct|CAS}}
| CASNo = 9003-55-8
| PubChem =
| InChI =
| MeSHName =
| ChEBI_Ref = {{ebicite|correct|EBI}}
| ChEBI =
| KEGG_Ref = {{keggcite|correct|kegg}}
| KEGG =
|Section2={{Chembox Properties
| Formula =
| MolarMass =
| Appearance =
| Density =
| MeltingPt =
| MeltingPt_notes =
| BoilingPt =
| BoilingPt_notes =
| Solubility =
| SolubleOther =
| Solvent =
| LogP =
| VaporPressure =
| HenryConstant =
| AtmosphericOHRateConstant =
| pKa =
| pKb = }}
|Section3={{Chembox Structure
| CrystalStruct =
| Coordination =
| MolShape = }}
|Section4={{Chembox Thermochemistry
| DeltaHf =
| DeltaHc =
| Entropy =
| HeatCapacity = }}
|Section5={{Chembox Pharmacology
| AdminRoutes =
| Bioavail =
| Metabolism =
| HalfLife =
| ProteinBound =
| Excretion =
| Legal_status =
| Legal_US =
| Legal_UK =
| Legal_AU =
| Legal_CA =
| Pregnancy_category =
| Pregnancy_AU =
| Pregnancy_US = }}
|Section6={{Chembox Explosive
| ShockSens =
| FrictionSens =
| DetonationV =
| REFactor = }}
|Section7={{Chembox Hazards
| ExternalSDS =
| EUClass =
| MainHazards =
| NFPA-H =
| NFPA-F =
| NFPA-R =
| NFPA-S =
| RPhrases =
| SPhrases =
| RSPhrases =
| FlashPt =
| AutoignitionPt =
| ExploLimits =
| LD50 =
| PEL = }}
|Section8={{Chembox Related
| OtherAnions =
| OtherCations =
| OtherFunction =
| OtherFunction_label =
| OtherCompounds = }}

Revision as of 22:48, 3 December 2016